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<=Diploma in Project Management module II: Project Procurement and management past paper July 2023

Explain five strategies that a project manager may apply to unlock a deadlock during negotiations with project contractors.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline five roles that the procurement function plays in the execution of a project in an organization
2. Explain five benefits that may accrue to an organization from accurately specifying its project material requirements
3. Outline five circumstances under which an organisation may prefer to procure its project materials form the local sources
4. Jombo Limited is in the process of evaluating tenders submitted by contractors for one of its projects. Outline five aspects of the tender that may be covered at the technical evaluation stage
5. Some organizations undertaking projects prefer procurement consultants in the acquisition of project materials. Explain five factors that an organization may consider when pre-qualifying such consultants.
6. Outline five reasons that may account for the choice of sea as the mode of transporting imported equipment for a project
7. Explain five strategies that a project manager may apply to unlock a deadlock during negotiations with project contractors.
8. Explain five factors that may lead dalay to executing a project contract in an organization
9. Outline five ways in which the warehouse function may enhance efficiency in project execution
10. A certain organization has decided to adopt the Just-In-Time strategy in its project. Procurement operations. Explain five advantages of adopting this strategy
11. Explain five unethical practices that a project procurement officer should avoid in an organisation. Bribery - Nepotism draud-corruption
12. Explain five factors that an organization may consider when developing its physical distribution system
13. Pong Limited has decided to adopt the Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism when resolving disputes with project contractors. Explain five advantages of adopting such mechanisms
14. Some organisations use the services of experts to make professional judgement during the tender evaluation process. Explain five benefits that may accrue to such organisations from using the experts.