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<=Diploma in Project Management module 1: Fundamentals of project management past paper July 2023

Outline five benefits that may accrue to an organization as a result of monitoring projects

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Questions List:

1. Highlight four components of a problem tree in project management
2. Explain six benefits that may accrue to an organisation that adopts a functional organisational structure.
3. Outline five sources of ideas that an organisation may use to identify a project to implement.
4. Explain five human resource related factors that an organisation may consider when selecting a project to implement.
5. Explain five strategies that a manager may apply when handling project risks.
6. Outline five features of a project team at the performing stage.
7. Organisations usually hold planning meetings before the start of any project. Highlight five objectives achieved by such meetings
8. Explain five activities that are undertaken during the recruitment and selection of a team to implement a project
9. Highlight five ways in which a project manager may lead his team to successful project completion of a project
10. Outline five organisational strengths that may influence the identification of a viable project
11. Explain five reasons that may make it necessary for an organisation to terminate an on-going project
12. Outline five benefits that may accrue to an organization as a result of monitoring projects
13. Explain four reasons why it is important to schedule project activities
14. Outline six reasons that make it necessary for a project team to develop a summary of the project.