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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II : Accommodation Operations Management I and Law Theory past paper July 2014

Explain two conditions that may cause the restaurer to refuse service to a customer.

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Questions List:

1. Explain the meaning of the following in relation to contract bookings: (i) offer; (ii) acceptance
2. Explain the concept of vicarious liability giving a relevant example
3. Explain two ways in which a restaurant may breach the foods drug and chemical substances Act Cap 254.
4. Explain the rights of employees working in the hospitality sector.
5. Explain the meaning of the following: (i) contributory negligence; (ii) leasehold
6. Highlight two mandatory qualifications of a Chief Kadhi
7. State five claims under the customary law that may be heard in a court of law.
8. State five grounds that may cause the landlord to refuse to grant new tenancy to a restaurant proprietor
9. Explain two conditions that may cause the restaurer to refuse service to a customer.
10. Explain three ways a supervisor can use in maintenance of cleaning standards.
11. Explain the term report
12. Discuss four points on the importance of a cleaning supervisor's report
13. Highlight six pieces of information contained on a guest registration card.
14. State four disadvantages of overloading a washing machine.
15. Explain five steps involved in setting cleaning standards.
16. Highlight six conditions necessary in storage of linen.
17. State four factors to consider when devising an effective wash programe.
18. Explain the following terms: (i) credit limit; (ii) cash folio; (iii) room supplies; (iv) skippers; (v) half board
19. Highlight four points a supervisor should include in briefing of staff.
20. Explain the following textile terms: (i) plain weave; (ii) twill weave; (iii) satin weave.
21. Discuss five departments which require reservation information on a daily basis