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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II : Accommodation Operations Management I and Law Theory past paper July 2015

Explain five advantages of an on-site laundry plant.

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Questions List:

1. Explain the meaning of the following: (i) covenants; (ii) fraud.
2. State four cases that can be tried at the court martial.
3. Explain three acts that qualify as invasion to privacy.
4. Explain four duties of partners in a hotel enterprise.
5. Explain the meaning of defamation
6. State four duties of an employer in a commercial food outlet.
7. Explain the following rights of an innkeeper: (i) the right of lien; (ii) the right of payment; (iii) the right to control inn.
8. Explain four ways in which a contract may be ended.
9. A cleaning supervisor requires a wide range of knowledge and skills. Discuss.
10. Explain three roles of the reservations department.
11. Differentiate between weaving and knitting as methods of fabric construction
12. Explain the term sales 'forecast'.
13. Highlight five points to consider when preparing sales forecasts.
14. Explain two fabric finishes used to improve lustre.
15. Discuss three points on the importance of supervising cleaning
16. Explain five advantages of an on-site laundry plant.
17. Discuss five components of a supervision plan of work.
18. Highlight five details recorded when payment is made through credit card.
19. Differentiate between guaranteed and non-guaranteed bookings.
20. Explain three factors which determine the quality of a finished article in laundry.
21. Explain the following terms: i) job procedure; (ii) block cleaning, (iii) par stock