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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II : Accommodation Operations Management I and Law Theory past paper July 2020

Outline the general duties of a floor supervisor.

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Questions List:

1. The occupier of a hospitality premise has a statutory duty of care towards every lawful visitor.
2. Describe the term 'occupier'.
3. Discuss how the duty of care owed to lawful visitors differs from the liability to trespassers.
4. Identity five persons at work in the workplace who may not be classified as employees
5. Some alcoholic beverages maybe sold in specified quantities only. Examine the role of the weights and measures act in the hospitality industry.
6. Explain the five steps through which a bill undergoes to become an act of parliament.
7. Explain five operational control measures during the laundry process
8. Discuss two duties each, of five members of the laundry team.
9. Explain five measures taken by hotels to minimize walkouts.
10. Discuss five factors which can affect sales in the hotel industry.
11. Explain the following terms as used in cleaning: (i) supervisor (ii) duty roster; iii) team cleaning; (iv) job procedures; (V) job cards.
12. Explain five points to include during staff briefing in housekeeping.
13. Outline the general duties of a floor supervisor.
14. Explain five hazards a hotel housekeeper is exposed to in the line of duty.