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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II : Accommodation Operations Management I and Law Theory past paper November 2015

State four fundamental rights and freedoms of an individual.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain each of the following terms as used in law: (i) contract; (ii) law; (iii) plaintiff.
2. Differentiate between "sale" and "an agreement to sell".
3. Identify four types of tort.
4. Outline the general defences available in an action for tort.
5. Define each of the following terms as used in law: (i) injunction: (ii) offence; (iii) crime.
6. State four fundamental rights and freedoms of an individual.
7. In the context of law of contract, explain five categories of contract that are considered illegal on the ground that they are opposed to public policy.
8. Explain three factors which determine the quality of an ironed article in laundry
9. Discuss five advantages of training laundry staff.
10. Differentiate between mercerization and calendaring as methods of finishing fabrics
11. Explain each of the following front office terms: (i) room rack; (ii) overbooking: (iii) room status
12. Explain three main duties of night auditors.
13. Discuss four measures taken by hotels to minimize walk-outs
14. Explain five points on the importance of duty rotas.
15. Explain each of the following housekeeping terms: (i) job analysis; (ii) supervision; (iii) work schedules; (iv) job card; (v) supervisor.
16. Explain five factors which determine staffing needs in housekeeping department.
17. Discuss five measures a supervisor should take to ensure high standards of cleanliness in the accommodation areas.