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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II : Accommodation Operations Management I and Law Theory past paper November 2022

Discuss five policies followed when using conventional keys for safety and security of guests in hotels

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Questions List:

1. Highlight five laws that govern the hospitality industry.
2. Enumerate five duties of an innkeeper.
3. Explain the meaning of the term 'crime'.
4. Discuss four examples of crime that may occur in accommodation operations
5. Explain each of the following terms: (i) law; (ii) invitee; (iii) arbitration.
6. Describe three remedies for breach of contract,
7. Discuss four basic rights of workers in Kenya.
8. Highlight six duties of a room
9. Explain each of the follow com (i) rack rate; (ii) complimentary room; (iii) house limit.
10. Discuss four points on the importance of supervisors in the housekeeping department of a hotel.
11. Highlight five rules of stain removal.
12. Enumerate five considerations to make when preparing a duty rota in an accommodation establishment.
13. Discuss five policies followed when using conventional keys for safety and security of guests in hotels
14. Discuss five sections of an ideal textile cleaning plant
15. Describe the uses of five essential supplies in a laundry plant.
16. Explain the duties of five staff found in a large scale laundry operation
17. Describe five components of a room supervisor's report