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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II : Accommodation Operations Management I and Law Theory past paper July 2023

Explain five quality control measures during the laundry process

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Questions List:

1. Explain each of the following terms: (i) tort; (ii) civil law; (iii) Inn keeper, (iv) Criminal law;
2. State four benefits of laws governing the hospitality industry
3. Discuss four elements of a valid contract.
4. Highlight four legal displays an alcoholic liquor seller is required to have
5. Enumerate six benefits of food hygiene regulations
6. Discuss five requirements for starting a hotel business in Kenya.
7. Explain five quality control measures during the laundry process
8. Highlight five points on the importance of guest registration in hotels.
9. Outline the laundry process
10. Enumerate five responsibilities of a floor supervisor.
11. Highlight five management techniques required to build an effective housekeeping staff.
12. Explain five faults encountered in machine laundry in regard to quality of laundered articles.
13. Outline the process of registeringa walk-in guest.
14. Highlight five records a housekeeper should maintain to improve efficiency in the department.
15. Explain three points on the importance of fabric finishes
16. Describe four types of guest complaints in hotels
17. Explain four points on the importance of room inspection in housekeeping.
18. Differentiate between the terms, 'osmologically clean' and 'entomologically clean'