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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation module 1: Food and Beverage Production, Nutrition and Mathematics past paper march 2023

Highlight three reasons why kitchen staff should report five minutes before time.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State three functions of fats in the body.
2. Identify three benefits of high fibre diets.
3. Identify three organic nutrients.
4. Explain the meaning of each of the following terms (i) Food Allergy: (ii) Basal Metabolism: (iii) Digestion:
5. State three fat-soluble vitamins.
6. Highlight three signs and symptoms of marasmus.
7. Identify three nutrients found in fish.
8. State three effects of water deficiency in the body.
9. Highlight three types of food spoilage.
10. Explain three reasons for cooking food.
11. Highlight three reasons why kitchen staff should report five minutes before time.
12. State three duties and responsibilities of the head chef.
13. State four guidelines to follow when roasting a beef joint.
14. Identify two uses of sugar in cookery.
15. Highlight five qualities required in a Chef's jacket.
16. Differentiate between 'glazing' and 'basting'.
17. Explain the meaning of each of the following terms (i) Veloute: (ii) Trussing:
18. State six ways of controlling food spoilage.
19. Giving an example in each case, identify four categories of vegetables.
20. State three points to note when using baking tins in the kitchen.
21. Explain three rules to observe when preparing and cooking vegetables to prevent loss of nutrients.
22. Discuss three reasons for marinating foods.
23. State three characteristics of an ideal cooking pan.

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