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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation module 1: Food and Beverage Production, Nutrition and Mathematics past paper November 2018

State two ways of trapping as much air as possible in pastry making.

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Questions List:

1. State three functions of fat in the diet.
2. Highlight three points to observe in the management of Kwashiorkor.
3. Explain each of the following terms used in food science (a) Nutrition: (b) Balanced diet: (c) Food:
4. Explain three uses of nutrients in the body.
5. State three signs and symptoms of osteomalacia.
6. Identify six causes of malnutrition.
7. State three examples of polysaccharides.
8. Enumerate three functions of thiamin.
9. State three signs and symptoms of rickets.
10. Identify three nutrients found in fish.
11. Identify three points to consider when buying meat.
12. State three rules for roasting.
13. Highlight four points to consider when using gas as a fuel for cooking.
14. State two ways of trapping as much air as possible in pastry making.
15. Identify three common faults for hard and tough short crust pastry.
16. State four disadvantages of food preservation.
17. Describe three essential considerations when planning a menu.
18. State four points to consider in the storage of cereal grains.
19. Identify five advantages of using a microwave oven during the process of food preparation.
20. Describe three accompaniments used when serving soup.
21. Identify four causes of a lumpy sauce.
22. Enumerate five safety rules to be observed by the kitchen brigade.
23. Describe three fats commonly used as shortening agents in flour mixtures.

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