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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation module 1: Food and Beverage Production, Nutrition and Mathematics past paper November 2017

State three characteristics of spoilt food.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State three properties of sugars.
2. Identify three types of animal fats used in cooking.
3. Describe the chemical composition of proteins.
4. State one function of each of the following in the body. (a) Thiamin: (b) Sodium: (c) Phosphorus:
5. Define the following terms (i) Digestion: (ii) Basal metabolism: (iii) Food allergy:
6. Highlight three symptoms of rickets.
7. Identify three enzymes responsible for digestion in the small intestine.
8. State three characteristics of spoilt food.
9. Highlight three reasons for preserving food.
10. Explain three nutrients required in higher amounts for people living with HIV/AIDS.
11. State three guidelines in the use of non-stick metal pans.
12. Highlight three benefits of work schedules.
13. Identify four ways used to conserve energy during cooking.
14. Highlight three measures taken to keep the kitchen waste bin hygienic.
15. State four uses of sugar in cookery.
16. Describe four types of soups.
17. State three reasons for using herbs and spices in the diet.
18. State two advantages of each of the following methods of cooking (i) Braising: (ii) Baking:
19. Explain four guidelines for roasting a beef joint.
20. Identify three types of salad dressings.
21. Differentiate between the following (i) Glazing and basting: (ii) Fricassée and meunière:
22. Explain four factors to consider when planning meals for the elderly.

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