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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation module 1: Food and Beverage Production, Nutrition and Mathematics past paper November 2015

State the use of each of the following food additives
(i) Humectants:
(ii) Emulsifying agents:
(iii) Antioxidants:

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State three functions of food in the human body.
2. Highlight three areas in the human body where the breakdown of food takes place.
3. Identify two categories of protein and in each case give two examples.
4. State three functions of fat in the body.
5. Highlight three sources of water for the human body.
6. State three ways in which Vitamin C is lost during food preparation and cooking.
7. Highlight three reasons why the body requires energy.
8. State the use of each of the following food additives (i) Humectants: (ii) Emulsifying agents: (iii) Antioxidants:
9. Highlight three advantages of drying as a method of preserving food.
10. State three symptoms manifested by a child suffering from rickets.
11. State two ways of using steel to sharpen knives in the kitchen.
12. Highlight four occasions when extra care is needed in the use of knives.
13. State three rules to observe when baking.
14. Indicate the meaning of the following color of juices testing for doneness in meat (i) Red: (ii) Pink:
15. Highlight the causes of the following (i) Hollandaise sauce curdling: (ii) Cloudy consommé:
16. Explain the following techniques associated with baking (i) Marking: (ii) Loading: (iii) Finishing:
17. Outline the procedure of preparing duchess potatoes.
18. State two uses of each of the following (i) Cooks forks: (ii) Cooks tongs:
19. Highlight two possible causes of the following faults in short pastry products: (i) Hard: (ii) Soft-crumbly: (iii) Soggy:
20. Differentiate between decker sandwiches and open sandwiches.
21. Describe three methods used in the cooking of fresh fruits.
22. Identify three uses of farinaceous dishes.
23. State three ways of tenderizing meat.
24. State four reasons for blanching vegetables.
25. Outline the procedure of cleaning an electric deep fat fryer.

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