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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation module 1: Food and Beverage Production, Nutrition and Mathematics past paper July 2023

Identify three uses of fat in food production

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Identify three fat-soluble vitamins
2. Highlight three signs of spoilt fish
3. State three functions of dietary fiber in the human body
4. Highlight three conditions that facilitate food spoilage
5. Identify three uses of fat in food production
6. Outline three reasons for using antioxidants in food
7. Identify the three classes of food contaminants
8. Suggest three reasons for food preservation
9. Enumerate three digestive enzymes involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates
10. Identify three types of anemia
11. Discuss five factors influencing the choice of cooking methods in a catering establishment
12. Highlight two duties of the following kitchen staff (i) Chef de Cuisine: (ii) Chef de Partie:
13. Explain the meaning of the term 'cross-contamination':
14. State five reasons for cooking food:
15. Differentiate between liquidiser and food mixer:
16. Identify four types of soup, giving an example in each case:
17. Highlight five methods of making cakes:
18. Describe three types of sandwiches:
19. Giving an example in each case, identify five types of vegetables:
20. Explain five uses of eggs in food preparation:

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