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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation module 1: Food and Beverage Production, Nutrition and Mathematics past paper July 2020

Explain the two types of stocks used in food preparation.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State three functions of protein in the body.
2. Highlight three properties of fat.
3. Identify three symptoms of kwashiorkor.
4. State three functions of water in the body.
5. Highlight three factors known to assist in the absorption of calcium.
6. Identify three examples of monosaccharides.
7. State three rules to consider in the maintenance of kitchen hygiene.
8. Identify three reasons why it is difficult to provide vitamin C in the diet.
9. Identify three symptoms of food poisoning.
10. Highlight three processes that are used in food preservation.
11. Describe the following types of menus: (i) Table d'hôte menu: (ii) A la carte menu: (iii) Buffet: (iv) Banquet: (v) Cyclical menu:
12. State four essential duties of a chef de cuisine.
13. Define the term 'stock'.
14. Explain the two types of stocks used in food preparation.
15. Identify five causes of heavy and close texture in creamed cakes.
16. Differentiate between 'dripping' and 'suet' in relation to food production.
17. Identify five uses of fat in cooking.
18. Describe four effects of heat on meat.
19. Explain two disadvantages of using gas for cooking.
20. Identify four basic ingredients used in the preparation of bread sauce.
21. Outline the procedure of making mayonnaise.
22. Explain two major ingredients in bread-making giving three functions of each.

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