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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation module 1: Food and Beverage Production, Nutrition and Mathematics past paper July 2017

State three symptoms of a person suffering from pellagra.

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Questions List:

1. Highlight three reasons why milk is referred to as a near perfect food.
2. Identify three roles that phosphorus plays in the body.
3. State three examples of monosaccharides.
4. State three types of fatty acids.
5. Identify six types of nutrients in foods.
6. Enumerate three functions of Vitamin C in the body.
7. Identify the number of calories provided by the following nutrients: i) 1 g carbohydrate: (ii) 1 g protein (iii) 1 g fat:
8. State three symptoms of a person suffering from pellagra.
9. Indicate the correct chemical symbols for the following vitamins: (i) Retinol: (ii) Niacin (iii) Cyanocobalamin: v) Cholecalciferol: (v) Tocopherols: (vi) Ascorbic Acid:
10. Highlight three measures to observe in the management of obesity.
11. State three characteristics of quality lamb and mutton.
12. Identify three points to consider when choosing vegetables.
13. Highlight four advantages of steaming.
14. State three characteristics of quality lamb and mutton.
15. Identify three points to consider when choosing vegetables.
16. Highlight four advantages of steaming.
17. State three points to consider when selecting kitchen equipment.
18. Identify two causes of each of the following faults in creamed cake mixture: (i) Cake that has sunk in the middle: (ii) Heavy and close texture:
19. Explain four safety points to observe when deep frying.
20. Identify three condiments used in food preparation.
21. State three kitchen guidelines for the prevention of food poisoning.
22. Identify three mechanical ways in which air is introduced into flour mixtures.
23. Explain three conditions suitable for the growth of yeast.
24. State four general rules to observe when preparing cold foods.
25. Enumerate five points in the prevention of bacterial transfer through cross-contamination.
26. Explain three considerations in the preparation of stocks.

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