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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation module 1: Food and Beverage Production, Nutrition and Mathematics past paper July 2015

Identify five common hazards in the kitchen.

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Questions List:

1. State two food sources for each of the following: (a) Iodine: (b) Water: (c) Iron:
2. Highlight three benefits of dietary fibre.
3. State three functions of vitamin C in the body.
4. Identify one cause for each of the following conditions: (a) Marasmus: (b) Obesity: (c) Fluorosis:
5. Define each of the following terms: (a) Spores: (b) Endotoxins: (c) Exotoxins:
6. State three regulations in the use of food additives.
7. Identify three types of food preservatives.
8. Highlight three emerging issues of healthy eating habits in modern society.
9. Explain three areas in the human body where digestion takes place.
10. State three properties of fats.
11. Explain three methods of heat transfer during cooking of food.
12. Identify three duties of the head chef.
13. State four safety precautions taken when operating mechanical equipment.
14. Define each of the following terms:
15. State four qualities of a well-made stock.
16. Explain four ways in which salads may be presented in a meal.
17. Identify five common hazards in the kitchen.
18. Highlight four guidelines in the use of baking powder in flour mixtures.
19. Describe three types of pastry.
20. State four safety rules for deep fat frying.
21. Identify three methods used to prevent discoloration when preparing fruits.
22. Explain four factors to consider when planning menus for special functions.

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