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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation module 1: Food and Beverage Production, Nutrition and Mathematics past paper July 2015(2)

State three benefits of snacking in between meals for growing children.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State three functions of calcium.
2. State three functions of saliva in the digestion of food.
3. Highlight three ways in which the ileum is suited for absorption of nutrients.
4. Explain three effects of heat on protein.
5. Highlight three advantages of vegetarianism.
6. State three benefits of snacking in between meals for growing children.
7. Identify three micro-organisms that are useful in food production.
8. State three disadvantages of using bicarbonate of soda in the cooking of green vegetables.
9. Highlight three nutrients required in higher amounts after surgery.
10. State three disadvantages of freezing as a method of food preservation.
11. State three measures taken to discourage infestation of pests and rodents in the kitchen.
12. Highlight three points to note in the care of kitchen scales.
13. Identify four hygiene requirements of kitchen staff.
14. List six equipment used in portion control.
15. Differentiate between the following: (i) Béchamel and Espagnole: (ii) Chiffonade and Brunoise: (iii) Concassé and Purée:
16. Explain three measures taken to prevent contamination during cooking.
17. State three reasons why mayonnaise may curdle during preparation.
18. State three quality points in purchasing of each of the following: (i) Liver: (ii) Root vegetables:
19. Explain three methods of tenderizing meat.
20. Outline five guidelines for making sandwiches.
21. State two causes of each of the following: (i) Close texture in yeast mixtures: (ii) Fat oozes out of pastry:
22. Describe three methods of baking.
23. Describe three methods of baking.

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