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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II: Food and Beverage Production Management Theory past paper November 2018

Describe each of the following catering establishments:
(i) motel/ travel lodges;
(ii)speciality restaurants.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain each of the following terms used in food production: (i) croƻtons; (ii) hors d'oeuvre; (iii) reducing.
2. Outline two methods of cooking fish for an invalid.
3. State two possible fillings that can be used in the preparation of an omelette.
4. Outline the procedure for making a plain omelette.
5. State six uses of ground nuts.
6. identify six duties of a senior sous chef.
7. Explain four uses of milk in food and give two examples in each case.
8. State four other duties of a chef apart from preparing food.
9. Identify six details found on a bin card.
10. Explain five functions of fat in flour.
11. Highlight six points to consider when buying meat.
12. Identify six points to bear in mind when storing vegetables.
13. Describe each of the following catering establishments: (i) motel/ travel lodges; (ii)speciality restaurants.
14. Identify four groups of foods that breakfast menus can be compiled from giving two examples of each.
15. Highlight four common mistakes in menu copy.
16. Identify six basic ingredients used in bread and butter pudding.
17. Outline the procedure of preparing bread and butter pudding.
18. State five uses of oats in food preparation.
19. Identify five quality points to consider when selecting poultry.
20. Explain five considerations when planning the structure of menus.

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