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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II: Food and Beverage Production Management Theory past paper November 2017

Explain the meaning of each of the following terms:
(i) au gratin;
(ii) bouquet garni.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Highlight four uses of sauces in production,
2. State four causes of cloudiness in consomme.
3. State four uses of fruits in production.
4. Highlight four ways of preserving mineral elements in vegetables during cooking.
5. Explain the meaning of each of the following terms: (i) au gratin; (ii) bouquet garni.
6. Highlight four reasons of using equipment for the right purpose in the kitchen
7. Highlight five qualities of a good kitchen sink.
8. State two ways of conserving energy in industrial canteen.
9. Explain four ways of saving energy when using a refrigerator.
10. Highlight five points to consider when preparing sandwiches.
11. identify five categories of foods that are easily contaminated in the kitchen.
12. Explain five ways of ensuring safety in the kitchen during production.
13. State four qualities of good foot wear for kitchen staff.
14. Distinguish between each of the following: (i) folding and kneading: (ii) juliene and nacedoine; (iii) herbs and spices.
15. Explain five factors to consider when planning for a wedding reception.
16. Identify five salad dressings used in food production.
17. Explain live precaution measures to note when preparing salads.
18. Distinguish between each of the following; (i) centremetier and aboyeur (ii) pot roasting and tandoori cooking.
19. state eight ways of preventing food poisoning in the kitchen.
20. Outline the procedure of sharpening a kitchen knife using steel

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