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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II: Food and Beverage Production Management Theory past paper July 2021

Identify eight details you would expect to find on a store ledger sheet.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State six uses of butter in food production.
2. Explain the meaning of each of the following culinary terms: (i) Piping. (ii) Dripping (iii) Singe
3. Explain four reasons for considering centralised production units in catering
4. Identify four advantages of cyclic menus.
5. Highlight four uses of vegetables in food preparation giving two examples in each case.
6. Describe each of the following methods of cooking: (i) Stewing: (ii) Pot roasting; (iii) Braising: (iv) Tandoori.
7. Identify eight details you would expect to find on a store ledger sheet.
8. State six points to consider when purchasing whole fish.
9. Explain five rules to observe when roasting.
10. Identify two food products that can be prepared or finished using each of the following ingredients. (i) Mayonnaise (i) Demi glace; (iii) Brown stock (iv) Avocado
11. Highlight six reasons for spending money on corporate hospitality.
12. Outline the procedure for preparing Brown Beef stew.
13. Highlight four factors that influence kitchen planning and design.
14. Identify six factors to consider when storing cereal grains.
15. Describe five cuts of fish used in a catering establishment.
16. State one preparation method of making garnishes from each of the following commodities: (i) Parsley; (ii) Lettuce (iii) Cucumber (iv) Eggs
17. Describe three methods of baking foods in the oven.
18. Explain five techniques in the kitchen that are associated with cold preparations.

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