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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II: Food and Beverage Production Management Theory past paper July 2019

Describe two moist methods of cooking fish.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline eight duties of a storekeeper.
2. Giving two examples in each case, identify four ways of preserving meat.
3. State four qualities of cyclic menus.
4. Highlight four types of chicken used in food production.
5. Explain five characteristics of clothing for kitchen personnel.
6. Describe two moist methods of cooking fish.
7. State five uses of fat in cooking.
8. Highlight five advantages of steaming food.
9. Explain five main challenges of food and beverage control in catering establishments.
10. Identify four purposes of job descriptions/cards in a catering establishment.
11. State six rules to observe in shallow frying.
12. Highlight four general rules to observe when using cold preparations.
13. Describe three methods in which foods can be baked in the oven
14. Identify five uses of butter in food production.
15. Highlight five ways cook-chill foods deteriorate in quality during storage.
16. Identify two points to observe when dressing foods for a banquet.
17. Explain three factors to consider when choosing cutting boards.
18. State three points to consider when compiling a breakfast menu
19. Highlight five changes that take place in eggs as they grow older.
20. Identify three types of colour that indicate doneness of meats
21. Explain three points that determine the amount of food to be served to each customer.

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