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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II: Food and Beverage Production Management Theory past paper July 2017

Explain four ways of observing food hygiene in the kitchen.

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Questions List:

1. Highlight four points to consider when selecting soft fruits for preparing puddings.
2. Identify where each of the following veal cuts are obtained from: (i) escallope; (ii) chops: iii) steaks; (iv) ossobucco.
3. Explain two uses of herbs in a meal.
4. Explain two uses of each of the following commodities in food production: (i) avocado, (ii) cucumber.
5. Explain three advantages of using convenience foods in catering establishments.
6. Highlight two faults in each of the following yeast products: (i) close texture; (ii) coarse texture.
7. Explain three rules to observe when baking food.
8. State four factors to consider when preparing stock.
9. Distinguish between: (i) consomme' and broth; (ii) mirepoix and banquet garni.
10. Explain four ways of observing food hygiene in the kitchen.
11. Highlight five rules to observe when preparing salads.
12. Outline the procedure for making tea.
13. Explain five ways a chef can ensure control of food cost in the kitchen.
14. Explain five advantages of pre-planned menus for an establishment.
15. State six ways of preserving vitamin C in leafy vegetables.
16. As a supervisor in a production kitchen explain each of the following elements of -supervision to your staff: (i) forecasting; (ii) planning; (iii) organizing: (iv) coordinating: (v) controlling.
17. Distinguish between island kitchen layout and a-shaped layout.

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