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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II: Food and Beverage Production Management Theory past paper July 2016

State the role of sauces in food.

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Questions List:

1. Highlight five storage points of cooking cream .
2. Enumerate five purchasing points of chicken.
3. Highlight five methods of preserving meat.
4. State five rules of storing herbs and spices.
5. Giving an example in each, identify four types of vegetables.
6. Explain three classes of convenience foods.
7. State four qualities of butter used in the production area.
8. Explain three applications of sugar in food preservation.
9. Identify six records used in the kitchen.
10. State the role of sauces in food.
11. Explain the meaning of the following terms to the kitchen brigade: (i) cook-chill; (ii) vacuum cooking.
12. Highlight six duties of a chef.
13. Explain to new employees the following methods of cooking food: (i) stewing: (ii) poaching; (iii) baking; (iv) pot roasting: (v) grilling.
14. Highlight four ways in which food wastage occurs in the kitchen.
15. Explain three degrees of cooking a roux to an apprentice in the production department.
16. Explain five reasons why people eat out.
17. Highlight four items included in a production checklist.
18. State three ways in which reheated dishes can be made exciting.
19. Explain five elements of supervision to new chefs in your establishment.
20. State six ways of introducing air as a raising agent in a mixture.
21. Explain to the assistants the following terms used in food production: i) marinade; (ii) mirepoix; (iii) Bouquet garni.
22. A client has asked for catering service for a function. Explain to the staff involved the reasons that make accurate timing important.

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