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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module II: Food and Beverage Production Management Theory past paper July 2015

Highlight four storage conditions conducive for storing tea.

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Questions List:

1. Identify two uses of the following sugars: (i) golden syrup: (ii) black treacle; (iii) granulated sugar; (iv) castor sugar, (v) demerara sugar.
2. Highlight five storage points of game.
3. Advise your institution on five qualities to consider when purchasing the following: (i) fruits; (ii) fish.
4. Highlight four storage conditions conducive for storing tea.
5. Identify twelve herbs commonly used in cookery.
6. Highlight five ways of preserving vegetables and give a suitable vegetable in each case.
7. State five demerits of using convenient foods in cookery.
8. Illustrate the structure of wheat.
9. Identify five types of menus.
10. Explain the meaning of the term réchauffé dishes.
11. Identify four ways of using left over meals.
12. Enumerate six items included in a production checklist
13. Smart caterers uses cook-chill and cook-freeze catering systems to produce their school meals. Highlight eight benefits that accrue from these catering processes.
14. Explain the following uses of eggs in cookery: (i) as a raising agent; (ii) as a thickener, (iii) binding: (iv) glazing; v) emulsifying.
15. Explain the term work schedules as used in the production area.
16. Explain four methods of scheduling work in the kitchen.
17. Explain four roles played by convenience foods in a catering establishment.
18. Explain six factors to consider when planning for a function catering.
19. State five points to observe when preparing fresh juice.
20. highlight seven uses of receipt in food production.
21. Explain four ways of tenderizing meat.

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