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<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Principles and Practice of Management past paper July 2023

Outline four reasons that make organizing important in an enterprise.

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Questions List:

1. Distinguish between unity of command and unity of direction as principles of management
2. Identify four factors that constitute the economic environment of a firm.
3. Outline four techniques of job evaluation that may be used in an organization
4. Distinguish between vertical coordination and horizontal coordination
5. Identify four non-budgetary controls that may be used in an organization
6. State four factors that make it difficult for managers to effectively motivate employees
7. State four factors that may contribute to unethical behavior among employees in an organization
8. Outline four barriers to communication that are associated with supervisors in an organization.
9. Highlight four advantages of using narrow span of control in an organization.
10. State four characteristics of a mission statement as a type of multi-use plan.
11. Explain four fundamental responsibilities of a business towards the government.
12. Outline four circumstances under which the project organization structure is appropriate
13. Explain four weaknesses that hinder the effective implementation of Management by Objectives (MBO).
14. Explain four objectives that an organization may seek to achieve by designing an effective control system.
15. Explain four criticisms labeled against Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory of Motivation
16. Explain four reasons why an organization may need to transfer employees.
17. Explain three features of effective coordination
18. Explain three situations where the autocratic style of leadership may be appropriate in an organization.
19. Explain four requirements that should be met for an effective budgetary control system.
20. Explain four factors that may influence the style of leadership adopted in an organization
21. Explain four reasons that may account for Pilex Limited recruiting most of its employees from colleges and universities.
22. Outline four arguments that may justify accusations that the Ethical Committee at Unix Limited has failed to undertake its functions as expected
23. Explain five ways in which the scientific management school of thought has contributed to modern management.
24. Outline four reasons that make organizing important in an enterprise.
25. With reference to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, outline four ways in which a manager may satisfy the social needs of employees.

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