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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module III: Accommodation Operations Management II Theory past paper July 2017

Explain each of the following terms in relation to color.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the meaning of five codes used in a room occupancy report
2. Discuss five storage conditions required in maintenance of linen standards
3. Highlight five uses of light in a building
4. State five advantages of hiring linen.
5. Discuss five characteristics of light filaments
6. Explain five responsibilities of the executive housekeeper.
7. Explain five circumstances which may make an institution to consider full contract cleaning service.
8. Highlight six items to include when preparing a patient's room.
9. Explain three points to consider when calculating linen requirements for an establishment
10. Discuss four operations control measures during the washing process
11. Outline the procedure of setting up a function room
12. State five requirements of the employer under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
13. Discuss three basic styles of laying furniture for functions.
14. Explain five factors to consider when planning interior design of a given area.
15. Explain each of the following terms in relation to color.

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