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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module III: Accommodation Operations Management II Theory past paper November 2013

Explain the use of abrasives in housekeeping

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Questions List:

1. Highlight four precautions to take to prevent employee theft in the housekeeping department.
2. Outline five work habits that would prevent falls.
3. Explain the steps to take in the following circumstances: (i) Bleeding (ii) Fainting
4. Describe how to remove perspiration stain from a white cotton blouse
5. Outline four practices for effective inventory control for linen
6. Describe the procedure a room attendant uses when entering a guest room
7. State four purchase considerations when buying housekeeping equipment
8. Explain the use of abrasives in housekeeping
9. State three advantages of using carpets on floors
10. Discuss wallpaper as a method of finishing walls
11. Guest security is a priority to hotel management. (i) Discuss the circulation and care of the master key (ii) Outline five precautionary measures for guest safety
12. Describe how blockage of a laundry sink can be avoided and the procedure for unblocking
13. Explain the use of the following liquid agents in housekeeping
14. Explain five problems that may be encountered by a room's maid in the course of her job
15. Describe the following types of shift
16. State four reasons for cleaning
17. Explain four factors to be considered when choosing a cleaning method
18. Identify five finishing touches that make hotel housekeeping unique
19. Outline five considerations when carrying out hospital housekeeping

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