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<=Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Management Module III: Accommodation Operations Management II Theory past paper July 2015

Suggest five ways of noise reduction during the planning stage of a building construction

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Highlight six factors to consider when contemplating change from direct labour to full contract labour in housekeeping
2. Suggest five ways of noise reduction during the planning stage of a building construction
3. Differentiate between par stock and linen pools
4. Adequate lighting is a key requirement in accommodation areas. Discuss
5. Discuss five functional requirements of a conference room
6. Highlight six factors to consider in selection of linen
7. Suggest four advantages of easy-care fabrics to an establishment
8. Explain five factors to consider when setting up an on-premise laundry plant
9. Explain each of the following terms: (i) Work Measurement (ii) Glare (iii) Motion Economy (iv) Time Study (v) Work Schedules
10. Discuss five aims of a housekeeper
11. Budgeting is a duty of the accommodation manager. Enumerate four costs to include in the annual budget
12. Outline the process involved prior to signing a service contract in housekeeping.
13. Suggest five ways of enhancing guest comfort when servicing public areas.
14. Identify five personnel records kept by the accommodation department
15. Discuss five circumstances which make it necessary to train housekeeping staff.

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