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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 1 Basic Electronics past paper: March 2024

Outline four advantage of electric power in the society.

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Questions List:

1. Define each of the following terms as used in electronics: (i) Volt; (ii) Ampere;
2. Describe each of the following BCD number encoding methods: (i) Packed; (ii) Uncompressed
3. Differentiate between PROM and EPROM as applied in computer memories
4. Explain two circumstances that would necessitate the use of extrinsic semiconductors in the construction of devices
5. 7 Explain each of the following terms as used in BCD NUMBER SYSTEM; (i) Overflow bit; (ii) Nibble
6. A student was asked to explain the disadvantages of germanium semiconductors in the construction of devices. Explain two such disadvantages
7. Outline four Karnaugh maps (k-maps) rules for reducing complex Boolean expressions.
8. Explain two properties of protons in atoms
9. Outline four advantage of electric power in the society.
10. DVD’s storage media is one of the computer removable memories losing their popularity. Outline three reasons for this.
11. Tech company ltd. Has challenges coping with the emerging trends of microchip devices. i. Outline two technological advance of the devices. ii. Explain two ways they could cope with the trends
12. Explain two disadvantages of using computer memory stick
13. Differentiate between inductive reactance and capacitive reactance as applied in Ac circuits
14. List four characteristics of an IC