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<=Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management Module II : Supply Chain Management and Purchasing Principles July 2019 past paper

List three human resource aspects that a buying organisation should consider when identifying a supplier.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Highlight three benefits that an organisation may realise from a well managed purchasing function.
2. State three indictors of an efficient distribution system in an organisation.
3. Outline four features of a good specification.
4. List three aspects of terms of payment that should be agreed upon between a buyer and a seller.
5. State three methods that an organisation may use when pricing its materials.
6. The supplies officer in Kizito Limited has received less materials than what was expected from a supplier. Highlight three reasons that might have contributed to this situation.
7. . State four types of tenders which an organisation may use when sourcing materials
8. Outline three activities that should be undertaken before supplier identification in the purchasing procedure
9. Highlight three factors that determine the amount of goods to order in a dependent demand situation
10. List three human resource aspects that a buying organisation should consider when identifying a supplier.
11. Highlight four ways in which a supply chain officer may ensure that goods are delivered at the right place
12. Outline six technological measures that a supply chain officer should take to ensure efficiency of information flow in distribution channels)
13. Outline six factors that a supply chain officer may consider when determining the quantity of materials to buy for an organisational operations.
14. Some organisations prefer to use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) when paying their suppliers. Explain four reasons for this preference
15. Highlight six causes of lead time variability when buying materials.
16. Explain four consequences to a buying organisation as a result of unjustified rejection of goods delivered by a supplier.
17. Explain four reasons why the Government of Kenya may ban importation of goods from a given country.
18. Highlight six ways that a supply chain officer may reduce the cost associated with small orders in an organisation.
19. Outline six advantages of the sampling method of inspection for delivered goods
20. Explain four consequences that a buying organisation may face for placing a purchase order with no specified delivery time