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<=Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management Module II : Supply Chain Management and Purchasing Principles July 2018 past paper

Highlight four factors that may lead to stock-outs in an organization

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Questions List:

1. State four advantages to an organization of centralizing its purchasing activities
2. List three purposes served by specifications when purchasing materials in an organization.
3. Highlight four factors that may lead to stock-outs in an organization
4. State three methods that an organization may use to price its materials.
5. Highlight three factors that a supply chain officer should consider when determining sources of supply of materials for an organization
6. List three types of information contained in a tender evaluation form.
7. State three ways in which a supply chain officer may expedite purchase orders.
8. Outline three types of reports that an inspection officer may prepare after checking goods delivered by a supplier
9. State three causes of an over-charge on an invoice from a supplier of goods.
10. Highlight three uses of a Bill of Lading when transporting goods.
11. Highlight four ways in which the purchasing function may minimise operating costs in an organization.
12. Explain six advantages to an organization of using the open tender method to source for its materials.
13. Explain four features that a purchasing officer may refer to when describing quality of materials to be purchased
14. Highlight six factors that may cause variation of lead-time in supply chain operations
15. Explain four advantages to an organization of using internet as a source of information about potential suppliers
16. Highlight six methods that a supply chain officer may use to purchase low value items in an organization
17. You have been assigned the task of choosing inspection method for an incoming consignment. Highlight four factors that you will consider when choosing the method.
18. Highlight six documents that may be used in processing payment for goods delivered by a supplier. Reliability
19. Explain four circumstances under which it may be appropriate for an organization to use the road mode when transporting its goods.
20. Highlight six factors that a purchasing officer should consider when determining the quality of materials to buy.