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<=Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management Module II : Supply Chain Management and Purchasing Principles July 2014 past paper

Outline three purposes served by a quotation form in purchasing.

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Questions List:

1. State four functions of the purchasing unit in an organisation
2. State four methods used to specify materials in an organisation.
3. Outline three disadvantages of fixed pricing of materials
4. State four factors that influence organisations to use 100% method of inspection in items management
5. State two ways in which physical distribution is important to supply chain management
6. State three advantages of centralizing the purchasing function.
7. Identify two factors that determine when to order materials
8. State three types of information contained in a commitment register.
9. Outline three purposes served by a quotation form in purchasing
10. State four sources of information regarding potential suppliers
11. Explain six purposes served by specifications in the purchase of materials
12. Highlight four benefits that a purchasing organisation may derive from timely delivery.
13. A certain manufacturing firm intends to price its items. Explain six factors that the organisation should consider when determining the method of pricing to use.
14. Explain four factors that an organisation may consider when designing a purchasing
15. Explain six challenges that an organisation is likely to face when buying its materials from foreign markets.
16. Highlight four reasons which may lead to rejection of incoming consignments.
17. Explain six benefits that may accrue to an organisation that uses multiple sourcing policy when acquiring their materials requirements
18. Explain four factors that a purchasing supervisor should consider when selecting a mode of transport to use in the transportation of materials
19. Explain six advantages of using electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) in the payment of suppliers.
20. Explain four uses of a bill of lading in transportation