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<=Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management Module II : Supply Chain Management and Purchasing Principles July 2015 past paper

Highlight four benefits that may accrue to an organization from using standard pricing method when pricing its materials.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Highlight three purposes of an invoice in purchasing of materials
2. Outline three advantages of rail transport in supply chain management
3. List three features of a good materials specification
4. State two disadvantages associated with sampling method of inspection
5. State four responsibilities of a purchasing supervisor in an organization
6. List four factors which a purchasing supervisor should consider when determining the quantities of materials to order
7. State two differences between lead time and delivery time
8. State four advantages of using single sourcing in supply chain management
9. Identify three types of orders commonly used in supply chain management
10. Name four documents which could be used when inspecting incoming consignments in an organization.
11. Explain six potential sources of conflict between the purchasing department and marketing department
12. Highlight four factors that a purchasing supervisor should consider when determining the quality of materials to purchase
13. Explain six factors that a purchasing supervisor should consider when determining the method of payment to use when paying suppliers
14. Highlight four benefits that may accrue to an organization from using standard pricing method when pricing its materials.
15. Nox Company Limited is expecting a consignment of materials from its suppliers. Explain the necessary preparations that should be made to receive the consignment.
16. Highlight the purposes of an order document
17. Explain six challenges likely to be faced by a purchasing organization which uses road transport in transportation of its materials
18. Explain four factors that may influence an organization to buy its materials from foreign supplies
19. Highlight six reasons of evaluating suppliers
20. Highlight four purposes of consignment note in transportation of goods