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<=Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management Module II : Supply Chain Management and Purchasing Principles July 2016 past paper

Explain four advantages to an organisation of maintaining a list of approved suppliers for its material requirements

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Questions List:

1. Highlight three types of information which the purchasing department should share with finance department in an organisation
2. State four methods of specifying quality of materials in purchasing operations
3. List three factors which may influence an organisation to use the restricted tendering method when sourcing for material requirements
4. State three advantages to an organisation of purchasing materials at the right time
5. State three types of costs associated with purchasing goods in an organisation.
6. Identify four documents which may be required to facilitate inspection of incoming materials in an organisation
7. List three disadvantages of using M-Pesa when making payments to suppliers
8. Enumerate three disadvantages of using waterways in the transportation of goods
9. State three types of information which may be entered in a materials inspection certificate.
10. Highlight three costs associated with containerisation
11. Highlight four reasons that may influence an organisation to create a purchasing department in its structure
12. A local manufacturing company has decided to source its raw materials from international markets. Explain six factors which may have influenced the Company to make such a decision.
13. Highlight four types of costs which an organisation may incur in the preparation of materials specifications
14. Outline six sources from which a buyer may obtain information regarding prices of materials in the market.
15. Explain four possible causes of delays in effecting payments to suppliers
16. The supply market is sometimes characterised by price changes. Highlight six factors which may cause such changes
17. Explain four challenges which a buyer may experience when using air to transport goods from overseas suppliers
18. Highlight six reasons of inspecting goods delivered by suppliers
19. Explain four advantages to an organisation of maintaining a list of approved suppliers for its material requirements
20. Rock Company Limited has been experiencing increased ordering costs. Highlight six measures which the Company may take to minimise such costs