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<=Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management Module II : Supply Chain Management and Purchasing Principles July 2017 past paper

Outline three activities that may be carried out during the post-ordering phase of the purchasing process.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline three advantages of using pipeline as a method of transportation in supply chain management.
2. State four reasons that would make it necessary for an organisation to specify its materials.
3. Highlight three types of information that should be contained in a supplier invoice document
4. State three disadvantages of using fixed price with escalation method when acquiring materials for an organisation
5. Highlight four measures that a supply chain officer should take to improve the relationship between purchasing department and other departments
6. List three types of tenders that may be used when sourcing for material requirements
7. Outline three activities that may be carried out during the post-ordering phase of the purchasing process.
8. Highlight three likely outcomes of an inspection exercise for delivered goods from suppliers
9. Highlight three reasons that may delay the processing of a supplier's claim for goods delivered
10. Highlight three reasons that would make it necessary for a buying organisation to track consignments from suppliers.
11. Explain six factors that may contribute to the efficiency of a transportation mode
12. Kamox Company Limited is experiencing stockouts. Explain four reasons that could have led to the situation
13. Highlight six factors that a supply chain officer should take into account when certifying a supplier invoice for payment
14. Explain four reasons that may contribute to lead time variability in supply chain management
15. Highlight six ways that an organisation may use to enhance the performance of a supply chain officer.
16. Explain four circumstances under which an organisation may buy its materials from a single supplier.
17. Highlight six benefits that an organisation may derive from inspecting an incoming consignment
18. Outline four methods that an organisation may use to place an order with suppliers
19. Highlight six factors that a supply chain officer should consider when determining the price of materials to purchase
20. Outline the criteria a purchasing officer should use when undertaking a vendor rating exercise