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<=Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management Module II : Supply Chain Management and Purchasing Principles November 2016 past paper

State three advantages of using Fixed Price Method when acquiring material requirements in an organisation

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Questions List:

1. Outline three advantages of using pipeline as a method of transportation in supply chain management
2. Outline three disadvantages of using road transport in the distribution of goods in Kenya
3. State four quality features that a purchasing officer should consider when procuring services for an organisation.
4. List three documents that a purchasing officer may use when processing payment for a supplier Answers
5. State three advantages of using Fixed Price Method when acquiring material requirements in an organisation
6. Outline four objectives of the supply chain function in an organisation
7. List three methods that a supply chain officer may use to advertise tenders.
8. State three negative consequences that may arise from the cancellation of a purchase order
9. State three types of reports that a supply chain officer should make after inspection of goods.
10. Highlight three reasons that may have contributed to the use of electronic payment by most organisations
11. Outline three ways that a supply chain officer may use to expedite purchase orders
12. Highlight six challenges likely to be faced by an organisation whose distribution system is not properly coordinated
13. Explain four factors that a supply chain officer should consider when determining the amount of materials to purchase
14. Explain six likely causes of an overcharge for delivered goods
15. Highlight four measures that a supply chain officer should take to ensure timely delivery of supplies,
16. Alpha Company Limited, a manufacturing firm, has not been achieving its purchasing objectives in the past two years. Highlight six problems that may have contributed to the trend.
17. Explain four factors that may influence an organization to buy its material requirements from local suppliers.
18. Highlight six duties performed by an inspection officer in the purchasing department.
19. Explain the criteria that a purchasing officer should use when evaluating potential suppliers.
20. Highlight six factors that should be considered before a price adjustment is effected by a supplier
21. Describe four activities that should be carried out during pre-ordering phase of the purchasing process.