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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 2 structured programming past paper: November 2015

Joseph created an array in his program to store data. Outline four properties that the data will possess

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Questions List:

1. Outline the function of the following syntactic symbol as used in c programming language
2. James developed a program using structured programming approach. Outline four characteristics that could be present in the program.
3. Mary intends to develop a program using structured programming language approach. Outline four steps that she could go through
4. Write two example in each case that would be used to create a simple student registration program in C programming language. (4 marks) i)Keyword; ii)Identifier
5. The following is an extract of a C program written by student during a programming lesson. #include<stdio.h> void main() { integer:i,j; float: mean; printf(“input two values \n”); fscanf(“%d”,&i,&j); mean=(i+j)/2; printf(“The mean is %d \n”,mean); } Rewrite the program by removing the errors in a c program
6. Outline four functions of a compiler in a C program
7. With the aid of an example in each case, differentiate between fundamental and user defined data types as applied in C programming
8. Write the output that will be produced when each of the following C program codes are executed. (4 marks) (a) int i, j; i=7; j=++i +5; printf(“The value of i is %d and j is %d”,i,j); (b) int x, y; x=7; y=--x +5; printf(“The value of x is %d and y is %d”,x,y);
9. Outline four reasons for carrying out program design during program development
10. Joseph created an array in his program to store data. Outline four properties that the data will possess
11. Nancy created a file in a C program to store in formation for her cyber business. State four operation that she is likely to carry out in the file
12. State two features of a user friendly program
13. Describe two types of test data that may be used during program testing
14. Write a C program that will prompt a user to enter the number of acres of land to be bought. If the number is greater than five, the price per acre is ksh.1.0 million else the price is Ksh. 1.2 Million. The program then computes and display the total cost of the land purchased.
15. Outline four approaches that could be used to implement internal documentation of a program under development.
16. The following is a segment code of a c program. use it to answer the question that follows; Outline the function of the statements labelled (i),(ii) and (iii).
17. Outline two assumption that programmers make when constructing a binary tree from a given list of elements
18. John is developing a program for his client. Explain three methods that he would use to detect errors in the program
19. Outline two circumstances that would lead a programmer to choose linked data structures
20. State two sorting method that use the swapping techniques.
21. Draw a flowchart used to design a system that prompt a user to enter two integers one after another. The program should then divide the first number with the second number and display the result. If the second value is zero, the program should display an error message “Error: Attempt to divide by zero”.
22. With an aid of a diagram in each case distinguish between a stack and queue as used in programming.
23. Outline four advantages of using pseudo code over a flowchart in a program in program design
24. State three traversals methods that can be used in a tree data structure
25. The following was written by a student during a C programming language lesson. #include<stdio.h> main() { printf(“programming is fun”); main(); }
26. Peter created an array A in a c program to store ten elements of integer type. Write a segment code that would be used to search for an element in the array in linear search technique
27. Outline four advantages that a programmer may accrue from using subprogram when developing a system to use in a firm.
28. Maria a programmer was given a monolithic program to modify. Outline two difficulties that she is likely to encounter
29. Differentiate between a while and do…while loop as applied in c programming language