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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT Module 1 Introduction to ICT Past Paper July 2019

In a certain company some employees have been suspected of engaging in unethical behavior while using computers. Outline three observations that could have raised this suspicion

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Questions List:

1. Explain each of the following activities as used in data processing: (4 marks) (i)Summarize ii)Clarify
2. Distinguish between analogue computers and Digital computers.
3. Pitso house chose to use in-house development method for its application software. Explain two benefits the company would derive from the use of this method
4. Outline four characteristics of second generation computers
5. Josh saved each of the following files on his computer. Josh.rft, josh.docx, josh.accdb, josh.xls State the application software that he used to create each of the files
6. Describe each of the following types of computer networks: (i)Wide area network ii)Private area network
7. Describe each of the following types of computer software: (i)Open source ii)Proprietary
8. A certain shop installed a point of sale system for its operations. Outline four input devices that could be included in the system
9. A company that has branches all over the country intends to install a distributed data processing system to support its operations. Explain two benefits of this system to the company
10. Differentiate between Trojan horse and logic bomb viruses in computers
11. Outline three physical measures that could be put in place to ensure data security in an organization
12. Joe intends to acquire an operating system for his computers. Explain three factors other than cost, that he should consider when acquiring the software
13. With the aid of a diagram, Outline the basic electronic components of a computer system.
14. Outline three advantages of peer-to-peer type of computer network
15. Describe each of the following types of file organization method in computer system. (i)Serial ii)Sequential iii)Random
16. An ICT technician has been tasked to set up a computer network for a certain company. Explain three types of network topologies that he could use
17. Kurgan company has connected all its computers to uninterruptable power supply device. Outline three benefits of using this device
18. Outline two advantages of satellites communication media
19. With the aid of a diagram, describe coaxial cable as used in computer networking
20. Computer users suffer from various injuries as a result of prolonged use of computers. Explain three types of such injuries
21. In a certain company some employees have been suspected of engaging in unethical behavior while using computers. Outline three observations that could have raised this suspicion
22. With the aid of a diagram, outline the stages of data processing
23. Most companies have embraced the use of mobile money transfer in their financial operation. Explain three advantages of this approach to the companies
24. Describe each of the following devices as used in computer networking (i) gateway (ii)routers iii)Switch
25. Football association in the world have integrated the use of information communication Technology to monitor ongoing games. Explain three ways in which the technology is used
26. Outline three reasons that would necessitate an organization to adopt of external hard disk in their operations