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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 3 Data Communication and Networking past paper: July 2019

With aid of a diagram, outline a data communication system

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Questions List:

1. Explain three advantages of extranet networks in organizations
2. A network design should meet several user needs. Outline four examples of such needs
3. Differentiate between information security and network infrastructure security
4. Routing protocol use routing tables to establish the source and destination of data packets in transit. Explain three routing path determination methods used by these protocol
5. Outline two characteristics of point to point protocol (PPP).
6. Distinguish between Network and Host address as used in IP sub-netting
7. With an aid of a diagram, describe the time-division multiplexing (TDM).
8. With aid of a diagram, describe TCP handshake
9. Explain two types of cookies as used in the internet
10. Joan was requested to patch communication software in her company’s computers. Explain two reasons that could have influenced the request
11. Use of password expiration features in data communication system is unpopular. Explain two limitations of this feature.
12. Wireless networks are commonly used in business firms. Outline four benefits of the network.
13. Explain two types of topology diagrams used in local area networks (LANs).
14. Explain two limitations of CSMA/CD
15. Figure 1 shows an Ethernet frame. Explain the functions of each of the following parts labelled (i) and (ii).
16. Star topology is very popular in data communication systems. Outline four advantages that justify the statements
17. Describe two types of user interfaces in network operating system
18. Troubleshooting a network involves several stages. Explain three generic stages used by network administrator
19. Outline any three layers of TCP/IP model
20. Distinguish between router and bridge as used I n Networking
21. Outline three factors, other than cost, that should be considered when selecting fiber optic media
22. Deno was required to troubleshoot a physical layer of a network of a client. Explain three possible symptoms that he could have realized
23. Outline four parts of an Email address
24. Figure 2 shows typical tool in browser. Outline the function of each of the following tools labelled (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
25. Define the term wikis as applied in internet browser
26. With aid of a diagram, outline a data communication system
27. State four types of internet connections used in business firms
28. Explain two circumstances under which coaxial cables are most applicable in network installation
29. Differentiate between contention-based and controlled media access methods
30. Describe three functions of presentation layer as used in OSI
31. IP protocol is phenomenon when configuring a network. Explain three of its features.
32. Most corporate prefer distributed network operating system. Explain three reasons that could be influencing this trend
33. Explain two functions of network interface card in a computer
34. Outline two types of transmission impairments
35. Distinguish between Network control and link control protocol as used in PPP
36. Cloud computing is an emerging technology in business firms. Explain two types of clouds that can be used
37. Explain three circumstances that would necessitate the implementation of frame relays in corporate networks

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