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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Computer Applications I past paper: November 2016

Leah has created a company’s database that holds information about the employees’ payroll with the following fields: Employee no, Employee name, age, basic salary, date of birth and department. She intends to search the following information from the database.
(i) Details of employees whose salary are over 10,000 but less than 20,000;
(ii) Details of employees whose ages are equal or more than 45 years.
State the criteria that she could use for each search to achieve her objective

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Questions List:

1. Define each of the following terms as used in DTP programs. (i)Master pages ii)Thumbnails
2. Explain each of the following terms as used in spreadsheet programs. (4 marks) (i) What-if Analysis; ii)Template
3. Lucie intends to present her statistical data using charts. (i) Outline three types of charts she could use to achieve her objectives. ii)Explain two reasons that could have led to her intentions
4. Outline the function each of the following feature as used in a DTP program: (3 marks) (i)Watermark; ii) Index iii)Paste board
5. Differentiate between functions of autocorrect and autocomplete features as used in a word processing program
6. With the aid of a diagram in each case, explain the following database model i)Network ii)Hierarchical
7. State the function of the following tools as used in a DTP program. (4 marks) (i) text frame; ii) Cropping iii) Constrained iv) Zoom
8. Describe the types of files have the following file extensions: (2 marks) I).dat ii) .dbf
9. Ann intends to use each of the following operating system tools: -User accounts; -Device management Explain the function of each of the system tools.
10. John intends to include a header in the notes and handout prepared using a presentation software. Outline three items that he could include in the header
11. Moses created a table in the database for a video library with the following fields, CD-Code, Tittle, Supplier, buyingPrice, Quantity, DateBought. (i) Identify the appropriate data type for each field. ii)State the appropriate field that he could use as primary key, justifying your answer. (iv)Assume Moses captures caption as the field property for the dateBought field. Explain the reason for
12. Outline two print page alignment option that can be applied when printing a spreadsheet document
13. State in full each of the following abbreviations as used in internet connections i)WI-FI ii)GPRS iii)GSM
14. Leah has created a company’s database that holds information about the employees’ payroll with the following fields: Employee no, Employee name, age, basic salary, date of birth and department. She intends to search the following information from the database. (i) Details of employees whose salary are over 10,000 but less than 20,000; (ii) Details of employees whose ages are equal or more than 45
15. Khan wishes to design an office floor using a computer application. State a suitable application program that he could use to achieve his objectives justifying your choice
16. Explain each of the following terms as used in databases. (6 marks) (i) Referential integrity; (ii) Relationship; (iii), normalization.
17. Figure 1 shows part of a worksheet. Use it to answer the question that follows Assume that the pointer is at cell F3, state the effect of pressing each of the following key combinations
18. Mbaruk company intends to computerize the management of its accounting records. Explain two advantages the company will achieve from this move
19. Figure 2 shows different opinions for text wrapping using DTP program. Use it to answer the questions that follows. Identify the text wrap effect applied in (i), (ii) and (iii).
20. Outline three types of data that could be entered in a worksheet cell. (3 marks)
21. Catherine has recommended the use of a word processing program over the type-writer currently being used for processing company’s text based documents, outline four reasons for her recommendation.
22. With the aid of a sketch, differentiate between stroke and fill as used in DTP program
23. Winnie prepared a progress report of her research project using a presentation program and used both slide sorter and notes page design view. Outline two views in which she could use each view.