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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 1 Computer Applications I past paper: November 2014

Figure 2 shows worksheets created using a spreadsheet program. Use it to answer the question that follows
Using cell reference and an appropriate function, write a consolidated formula that would be used to calculate the mean mark for the data in the two worksheets

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define the term record as used in database programs
2. Define the term range as used in spreadsheets programs
3. Figure 1 shows features of a spreadsheet program. Use it to answer the questions that follows. Explain the function of each of the features labelled (i) and (ii).
4. Distinguish between an attribute and an entity as used in database programs
5. Assuming a windows based environment, outline the procedure that could be used to create an email account
6. Outline two modules that could be included in a reservation system
7. A student in an ICT class wrote the formula =B4 + $C8 in cell D5. If the formula was copied to cell F7, Write the resultant formula
8. Explain the function of each of the following utility program: (4 marks) (i)Linker ii)Loader
9. Table 1 shows a list of DOS commands applied during a computer session. Classify the commands as either external or internal
10. Explain one circumstance under which video communication programs could be applied in organization
11. With the aid of sketch in each case, explain the following features as used in word processing program: (3 marks) (i) right align; (ii) Right column presets
12. Define the term clipboard as used in word processing programs
13. Explain the function of each of the following features as used in database programs i)Report ii)Form
14. With the aid of a sketch, describe a stacked column chart as used in spreadsheets
15. Figure 2 shows worksheets created using a spreadsheet program. Use it to answer the question that follows Using cell reference and an appropriate function, write a consolidated formula that would be used to calculate the mean mark for the data in the two worksheets
16. Table 2 shows students’ information in a certain institutions prepared by using database program. use it to answer the questions that follows Write a query statement that could be used to extract records of students who registered for the ICT course.
17. Outline two disadvantages of a file based system
18. Outline the procedure that could be used to print a selected section in a word document
19. Distinguish between caption and bookmark as applied in word processing program
20. Figure 3 shows typical features of a word processing program. Explain the function of the feature labelled (i) and (ii).
21. Marion intends to create three objects on top of each other using a presentation program outline three ordering options she would achieve to achieve her goal
22. Define the term hyphenation as used in DTP
23. Explain the term defragmentation as used in computer systems
24. Distinguish between object linking and object embedding as used in DTP programs
25. Describe the output produced when the following command is executed. (2 marks) C:\>DIR D: *.scr
26. Write a DOS command that would duplicate information stored in a folder named KNEC in drive C to a folder named EXAMS in Drive E
27. Margie intends to print a 12-page document prepared in a presentation program. Outline the procedure that she could use to print the notes in the presentation
28. State four search engines used in internet
29. Explain the function column guide feature as used in DTP programs
30. Employee of PGD Company limited complained to the management about the usage of using email programs. Explain two limitation of the program that likely they could have mentioned
31. During a DTP practical lesson, a leader advised the student to use the following features: (i) Sidebar; (ii) Pull quotes. Explain the function of each of the feature
32. Outline the circumstances under which each of the following features could be used in a presentation program: (i) timing; (ii)cropping.