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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Visual Programming past paper: November 2017

Write a program in visual basic that accept a name of a person through the use of an input box. The program should then add the name to a list box through the use of a procedure. Attach the code to a command button

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Questions List:

1. Outline three factors that could be considered when setting control properties in a visual basic program
2. Distinguish between an object and a control as used in visual basic program environment
3. Describe the term menu editor as used in visual basic programming
4. Describe two properties applied in a menu editor
5. Distinguish between sentinel and flag controlled loops as used in programming
6. Write a program in visual basic that will display even numbers between 10 and 20 on a form. Use a do while statements. attach the code to a command button
7. State the prefix for each of the following visual basic tools; (i) Timer; (ii) Option button; (iii) Shape; (iv) Horizontal scrollbar.
8. Describe three project explorer buttons used in visual basic program
9. Figure 1 shows a list of numbers in an array. Use it to answer the question that follows. 11 12 17 19 21 25 26 28 Perform a binary search on the array showing the steps, given that the search key is 28.
10. Write a program in visual basic that accept a name of a person through the use of an input box. The program should then add the name to a list box through the use of a procedure. Attach the code to a command button
11. Outline four characteristics of a visual programming language
12. Describe a sub procedure as used in visual programming
13. Outline three characteristics of an event as used in visual basic programming.
14. Distinguish between unload and hide methods as used in visual basic program
15. A book supplier offers a discount of 10% when the total of books purchased is more than 10,000. Write a program in visual basic that accepts the price of three books one at a time through inputBox. The program computes total cost, discount if any and then display the amount payable on a picture box. Attach the code to a command button
16. The following are programming languages. Visual basic, PHP , JavaScript, Visual C++, python, lisp Categorize each of the following as either event driven or procedural programming languages
17. Outline three properties of a user defined function
18. Explain three similarities between ADO data control and data environment as used in visual basic programming.
19. Explain the use of the unbound() as used in an array
20. Write a program in visual basic that accepts five values in array. The program then displays the smallest and the largest values on the form. Attach the code to a command button.
21. State the output generated when each of the following visual basic statement is executed. (4 marks) (I) Mid (“Visual Enviroment”,3,6) (ii) Instr(1, “visual environment”, “Enviroment”) (iii) Print Len(“Visual Environment”) (iv) Print RTrim(“visual environment ”)
22. Describe two values for an EOF action in a visual basic program
23. John, a programmer would like to include error handling message in a visual basic program. Explain three approaches that he could consider.
24. Table 1 shows details of modules 1 subjects. Use it to answer the question that follows; Write a program in visual basic that accepts the subject code through the use of a textboxt. The program then display the subject name on a label and change the the label background colour as indicated when a command button is clicked .Use select case statement.
25. Outline three recordset methods that enables navigation in a visual basic program
26. Describe three ADO data locking options used in a visual basic program
27. Alice tried connecting a database table to a form. When she clicked the test connection button, a message “unsuccessfull” was displayed. Explain three posible reasons that could lead to this.
28. Write a program in visual basic that would accept the name of a person through the use of a text box. The program then displays “hallo Nelly” on a message box when the name entered is Nelly,otherwise it displays “unknown name”. Attach the code to a command button.
29. Outline two keypress events and two mouse events in a visual basic program
30. Differentiate between Print x,y and Picture 1. Print x,y statements as used in visual basic program.
31. Marion a programmer would like to include err object method in visual basic program. Explain two methods he should consider
32. Write a visual basic that uses a procedure to capture the radius of a circle through the use of a textbox. The program the computes the area of a circle and volume of a sphere through a procedure and display the results on a form. Attach the code to a command button
33. Outline four sorting techniques that could be used in a visual basic program
34. Mary prefers using a binary tree to search for a record. Explain three challenges that she could face.
35. Figure 2 shows a user interface in a visual basic program. Use it to answer the question that follows. Write a program in visual basic that could implement the interface. The program clear the results in the picture box when the button clear is clicked