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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module III Management Information Systems past paper: July 2017

A hospital intends to implement a new information system. Explain three types of information system plans that should be formulated at the strategic level

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Questions List:

1. Outline three approaches used in classifying information system in organization
2. The ICT manager of Heavy Tec Company is required to talk to new recruits on ethical issues related to modern information system. Explain three points that the manager should include in the talk.
3. A hospital intends to implement a new information system. Explain three types of information system plans that should be formulated at the strategic level
4. A certain organisation is in the process of acquiring a new information system. (i) Outline two factors that could influence the choice of the system to be acquired ii)Outline three reasons that would lead to acquisition failure of this information system.
5. Explain two causes leading to maintenance of an information system
6. Outline four problems that ICT managers may face while undertaking their role in their organization
7. Outline four impacts caused by implementation of information system in organisation
8. Placet company intends to commence on a new information system project. Explain two planning methodologies that the company could use
9. Waops company uses information system in its transportation business. Explain two types of system that could be ideal for the company
10. Explain two applications areas of information societies in developing countries
11. Explain two circumstances that would lead an organisation to make decisions in semi structured nature
12. Connect Ventures Ltd intends to establish an effective decision making process in their business. Explain three characteristics that these decisions should possess
13. Nowadays organisation are using cloud-computing technologies for their business processes. Outline two advantages that these business accrue from these approach
14. Distinguish between knowledge based information system and office automation system as used in management information system
15. Explain two issues that could affect the cost of maintaining information systems
16. Many organizations that use information system at their initial stages implement modules that support their transaction operations. Explain three functions performed by these systems
17. Outline two conflicting factors that would affect information system projects
18. State two application software that may be used for project management
19. FutureTec company specializes in resource management information system. Explain two reasons that would influence an organisation to seek the company’s services
20. Explain three techniques that an organization may use to prevent computer crimes
21. The planning phase of an information system is important if success is to be realized. Explain three challenges that are encountered by stakeholders during this phase.
22. Explain the reasons for creating dummy activities in project management network diagram.
23. Outline four qualities of information generated by a good information system
24. Explain three uses of information generated using information system
25. Differentiate between most likely and optimistic times assumption in program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) project management method
26. Assume you have been hired as a system administrator in a new established company. Outline four responsibilities that you would expect other employees in the company to have to ensure security of information system

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