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<= KNEC Diploma in ICT module III Management Information Systems past paper: November 2015

The system analyst of ABX Company has recommended for modification on their current MIS. Explain three factors that could have contributed to this move.

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Questions List:

1. Outline four features of an information system (EIS)
2. Define each of the following terms as applied in management information systems (i) interaction (ii) interdependence.
3. The management of KPNG Company has purchased a transaction processing system for its operation. Explain three functions of the system to the company
4. Explain three circumstances under which an organization would adopt the use of expert system in its operations.
5. Explain each of the following terms as used in project management: (i) Project planning document (PPD); (ii) Total Quality management (TQM)
6. The system analyst of ABX Company has recommended for modification on their current MIS. Explain three factors that could have contributed to this move.
7. Differentiate between a Trojan horse and a worm as used in computer security
8. With the aid of a diagram, describe the components of a decision support system. (DSS).
9. Explain each of the following modes of data processing as applied in management information systems: (i) Real-time transaction (ii) Batch
10. Differentiate between efficiency and effectiveness as used management information systems
11. Project budget could be implemented using top-down approach in an organization. (4 marks) (i) Explain two advantages of this approach (ii) Outline two disadvantages of the approach
12. Explain three strategies that the project managers could use to manage risks
13. Explain each of the following terms as used in organizational change: (4 marks) (i) Rationalization; (ii) Business process re-engineering
14. Differentiate between a hacker and a cracker as used in computer security
15. Jabil Company has incorporated an information system for its decision making process. Explain three ways that the system would help improve the decision making process
16. Explain three circumstances that would cause an organization to in cooperate an information system in the production section
17. List four functions performed by an office automation system
18. Jade intends to write a term paper on ways in which system users could get involved in unethical use of information. Explain three such ways
19. With the aid of a diagram describe the decision model as used in management information system.
20. Reki Company intends to acquire an effective human resource management system for its operations. Explain three factors that they should consider
21. Explain the following terms as used in management information systems: (4 marks) (i) Computer aided design; (ii) Computer aided manufacture
22. Companies could acquire their information system through leasing method. (6 marks) (i) Outline three advantages of this method. (ii) Outline three limitations of the method
23. Explain three challenges experienced in regulating global information society
24. The analyst of Zippra Company has advised the company to acquire a security management system for its operations. Explain two functions of this software to the company
25. Define each of the following types of maintenance as used in management information system: (i) Corrective (ii) Preventive
26. Planning is considered as an important function of an MIS in management. Explain three importance of this function to an organization
27. A certain company intends to use a matrix model for the management of its projects. Explain two advantages they are likely to achieve for this move
28. Most colleges have adopted the use of Wireless Fidelity (WI-FI) in their operation. Explain three reasons for this trend.
29. Outline three differences between strategic and tactical plans in management.
30. Explain three factors that would make an organization fail to achieve its objectives

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