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<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Human Relations past paper November 2015

Outline four sources of intergroup conflict in an organization

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Questions List:

1. State four indications of a good relation in an organization
2. Outline four internal factors which may influence an employee’s perception of work
3. Identify eight attributes of a good leader
4. Highlight four behavioral systems of a stressed employee at works place
5. Outline four characteristics of an effective work group in an organization
6. Identify four criteria that may be used to differentiate individuals in an organization
7. In relation to Fredrick Hertzberg’s theory of motivation, identify four factors that may lead to job dissatisfaction
8. State four limitations of bureaucracy in an organization
9. Outline four sources of intergroup conflict in an organization
10. Highlight four benefits that may be associated with involving employees in the management of an organization
11. State four measures that the management of an organization may take to minimize frustration among employees
12. Distinguish between values and beliefs
13. Explain three developmental steps that may be followed in order to improve one’s personality
14. A lot of attention is increasingly being paid to manager’s style of leadership. Explain five reasons that may be attributed to this attention
15. Explain three factors that may influence the process of attitude change
16. In relation to Sigmund friend’s theory of personality. Explain three defense mechanism which are commonly observed in the place of work
17. Explain four strategies that the management of an organization may adopt to enhance employee’s participation in management
18. Outline six objectives that public relation may seek to achieve in an organization
19. Explain three job related factors that may lead to stress in an employee in an organization
20. Explain four ways in which an employee may react to frustration in the work place
21. Explain four negative consequences of social stratification in a society
22. Illustrate Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory citing two examples in each case
23. Outline four measures that the management of an organization may take to effectively manage older employees
24. Explain three guidelines that the management of an organization may follow when dealing with the work place conflicts
25. Explain five reasons that may be attributed to formation of groups in an organization