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<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Human Relations past paper July 2021

State four consequences of negative employee attitude on an organisation

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Questions List:

1. In relation to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, outline four ways in which the management of an organization may meet the esteem needs of employees
2. Explain two situations when the avoiding method may be appropriate when a manager is resolving conflicts in an organization.
3. State four ways in which informal group may negatively affect an organization
4. Identify four personal traits of a democratic leader.
5. State four signs of a frustrated workforce
6. Outline four features of the bureaucratic system of organisation
7. State four consequences of negative employee attitude on an organisation
8. Explain the contribution of each of the following theorist to the understanding of the personality development: (a) Sigmund Freud (b) Albert Bandura
9. Highlight four measures that the management of an organisation may take to minimize work-related stress among the employee
10. Outline four objective of employee participation in management
11. Explain three sources of interpersonal conflicts at the workplace.
12. Explain three circumstances under which the democratic style of leadership may be appropriate.
13. Outline four differences between the storming stage and the norming stage of group development.
14. Explain three ways in which the management of an organization may apply the social learning theory at the workplace.
15. Explain three management related factor that may account for employee demotivation
16. Explain four measures that the management of an organisation may take to promote a positive attitude among the employee.
17. Some supervisors are reluctant to involve employees in the management of organisation. Explain four reasons that may account for that reluctance
18. Figure 1 shows the hierarchy of needs as proposed by Abraham Maslow. (i) Identify the category of needs labelled (i), (ii), and (iii) (ii) List two examples of each of the needs identified in (i)
19. Outline four negative effects of social classes at the workplace
20. Explain four reasons that make good public relation important in an organisation
21. Distinguish between attitude and values as used in human relations
22. Explain five ways in which poor human relation may affect an organization
23. Explain five strategies that an individual employee may adopt to minimize work-related stress