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<= KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Human Relations past paper July 2015

Highlight five advantages of groups in the workplace

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain the meaning of the following terms: (i)Human relations; (ii)Social organization.
2. Highlight four factors that make individuals in the workplace
3. Explain the meaning of: (i) personality; (ii) employee morale
4. Highlight four reasons for empowering employees
5. Identify four characteristics of a leader
6. Distinguish between McGregor’s theory X and Y managers
7. Explain how a theory Y manager achieves positive results from employees
8. Enumerate five ways managers may destroy employee morale
9. Illustrate Maslow hierarchy of needs
10. when dealing with employees, managers must understand that people can not fulfil higher order needs before lower order needs. Explain
11. Fredrick Herzberg believed that hygiene’s factors were necessary to keep workers satisfied. Explain five hygiene factor in a hospitality management
12. Explain four characteristics of management would look for in staff seeking promotion
13. explain the meaning of the term bureaucracy
14. Using Max Weber’s theory, explain five characteristics of a bureaucratic organization
15. Highlight five advantages of groups in the workplace
16. Explain five factors of motivation and how each motivates employees to higher performance
17. Explain the meaning of the term “stress” in the workplace
18. explain four causes of stress in the workplace
19. Explain the meaning of the term diversity in the workplace
20. Explain four benefits of diversity in a hospitality establishment