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<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Public Relations past paper November 2018

There are certain qualities that a public relations officer should possess in order to perform his duties effectively. Highlight five such qualities

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Questions List:

1. There are certain functions that a public relations officer is expected to perform. Outline five such functions
2. Explain five organization related factors that may affect the results of a public relations campaign
3. Bora Bora company has decided to conduct research concerning its public relations undertakings. Explain five reasons that account for this move by the company
4. There are certain guidelines that a public relations officer should observe when making a presentation for it to be effective. Outline five such guidelines
5. There are certain qualities that a public relations officer should possess in order to perform his duties effectively. Highlight five such qualities
6. XYZ company Ltd is currently facing very adverse publicity from some of its activities. Outline five guidelines that the company should observe in order to manage the crisis effectively
7. Explain five advantages to an organization that uses a consultant to undertake its public relations activities
8. There are certain factors that a public relations officer should consider when evaluating the effectiveness of employee publications in an organization. Explain five such factors
9. The public relations officer of Pesi company Ltd has decided to use focus groups as a technique for gathering data in a public relations research exercise. Explain five advantages of using the technique
10. There are certain ways in which a valid contract between an organization and a consultant may be terminated. Highlight five such ways
11. Explain five measures that an organization may take in order to enhance its corporate identity
12. Describe the steps that a public relations officer may follow when formulating a public relations programme for an organization
13. There are certain qualities that a leader in an organization should possess in order to be effective. Highlight five such qualities
14. Explain five benefits that an organization may derive from maintaining good relationship with its surrounding community