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<=KNEC Craft certificate in ICT Module 1: Computer Application I theory past paper July 2016

State the function of each of the following field properties as applied in database
i)input mask
ii) required

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain each of the following terms as used in computer security: a)Trespass b)cracking
2. State the function of each of the following features in a word processor: a)thesaurus b) format painter
3. With the aid of an example, explain the absolute reference as used in spreadsheet programs
4. Purity had the following errors displayed in different cells when working on a worksheet. Explain the cause of each of the errors and a possible solution
5. Distinguish between slide master and notes page as used in presentation programs
6. Peter, an IT specialist at Sisma Company intends to purchase word processing software for the company. Outline two factors that he should consider
7. Explain the term hyperlink as used in internet application programs
8. State the function of each of the following field properties as applied in database programs: i)input mask ii) required
9. Outline four features of the graphical user interface as used in computer systems
10. With the aid of a diagram in each case, explain the following types of database models a)Hierarchical b) network
11. Explain the circumstance under which each of the following data types would be most appropriate in a database program a)AutoNumber b)Memo
12. With the aid of an example in each case, explain the following terms s used in internet programs: a)Internet service provider b) web browser