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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT Module III: Principles and Practice of Management past paper July 2013

Explain five circumferences under which conflicts may be beneficial to an organization

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Questions List:

1. Outline four roles that may be undertaken by the managers in the day to day running of an organization
2. Management by Objectives (MBO) is one of the strategies that may be adopted by organization in order to achieve effectiveness. Explain five benefits of this strategy to an organization.
3. Highlight five disadvantages of group decision making in an organization
4. Outline five ways through which co-ordination may be achieved in an organization
5. Outline five factors that should be considered when designing an effective control system in an organization
6. Explain five benefits of human resource planning to an organization
7. Explain the benefits that may be realized in an organization that adopts the participative style of leadership
8. Outline five assumption of Theory ‘Y’ of motivation as advocated by Douglas McGregor
9. Henri Fayol is the chief advocate of the administrative theory of management. Explain the contribution of this theory to modern management practice
10. Explain the measures that an individual employee may take in order to improve on time management
11. Outline five reasons that may make it necessary for an organization to adopt change
12. Explain five circumferences under which conflicts may be beneficial to an organization
13. Explain five ways through which the nature of work can be source of stress to an individual employee
14. Business organizations have developed new and innovative forms of employment in order to enjoy lower costs of Labour. Outline these new forms of employment